Philanthropist fashion model

The greatest philanthropist fashion models of the moment

As a philanthropist fashion model, they combine beauty and brains and use their fame for good purposes: they own or support charity organizations and help to make the world a better place. Let’s take a closer look at these stunning and awesome ladies.

Cover photo: © Kris Atomic

Gisele Bündchen

Philanthropist fashion models

Who doesn’t know philanthropist fashion model Gisele Bündchen? She has been world’s best-paid model for years and she now uses the fame she earned thanks to her natural beauty to do something back for nature. Where to start/ this multi-talented woman doesn’t only work for Save The Children and the Red Cross, she is also Goodwill Ambassador for the environmental protection program of the United Nations. As a true social media fanatic, she tells the story about this program as much as possible. As part of her ambassadorship, she let already plant millions of trees to stop deforestation in Brazil. Furthermore, she raises attention for this problem at the next generation by providing information about climate change at primary schools: as the twig is bent, the tree is inclined. Keep up the good work, Gisele.

Today is Earth Day! Have you ever stopped to realize how lucky we are to live in on this magical planet? This beautiful blue dot floating in space is our home and we need to take care of it. Plastic has become a serious issue in our world. It’s polluting our land, our beaches, rivers, oceans, killing our marine life. It’s affecting the health of all of us! How can we change that? Please take a moment to reflect on how our actions affect our environment. After all, it’s our home we are talking about. Each one of us can take small steps to reduce plastic consumption and waste. Learn how: #Earthday #beatplasticpollution #BeatPollution ??? ♻ Hoje é o Dia da Terra! Você já parou para pensar na sorte que temos em viver neste planeta mágico? Este belo ponto azul flutuando no espaço é a nossa casa, e precisamos cuidá-la. Um dos sérios problemas que estamos enfrentando no mundo hoje é o plástico. Ele está poluindo nossas terras, nossas praias, rios, oceanos, matando nossa vida marinha, está afetando a saúde de todos nós! Como podemos mudar isso? Por favor, dedique um momento para refletir sobre como nossas ações afetam nosso meio ambiente, afinal, é do nosso lar que estamos falando. Cada um de nós pode, através de pequenas atitudes, reduzir o consumo de plástico e o desperdício. Aprenda como: #Diadaterra #acabecomapoluiçãoplástica

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Lily Cole

Supermodel slash philanthropist fashion model Lily Cole has been modeling since she was 15 years old. Despite a busy career and a study at Cambridge University, she found time to support several charities: from clean drinking water, to raising AIDS awareness to saving the Asian Elephant. On top of this, Lily promoted coding under young girls, just like her colleague Karlie Kloss. Right now Lily focuses on her fashion brand, names The North Circular. With this brand she responds to the desire for fashion, but without people getting exploited. That’s how we like it.

In case you missed our love affair

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Natalia Vodianova

As a true philanthropist fashion model ánd role model, philanthropist Natalia Vodianova owns many charity organizations. She only does modelling work for one month a year, while she spends the rest of her time working from her office in Paris, where she is at charge of several charities. In 2004 she launched The Naked Heart Foundation, in response to the hostage drama in North Ossetia, where 1100 children were held hostage and 186 of them died. With her foundation she wanted to do something for the disadvantaged kids in her home country, so since then they have built more than 200 playgrounds in Russia.

Recently Nadia wanted to make philanthropy available for everyone and so she launched the app Elbi, where users can do ‘micro donations’, starting at 1 dollar. Furthermore, unique (fashion) goods are sold within the app. Think of a one-of-a-kind Louis Vuitton bag or a stunning Stelly McCartney piece. All for charity; so let’s spend our money wisely.

They say a photo means a thousand words in my case it’s a 1000 thank you ❤??⚽ thank you to @louisvuitton for crafting an iconic trunk ?, home to 13 FWC Official Match Balls that were recreated exclusively by @adidas ?⚽ The trunk will be auctioned off at the closure of the Fifa World Cup season, all proceeds going towards the work of @nakedheartfoundation ❤?? #WorldCup2018 Иногда фотография стоит тысячи слов! Это как раз тот самый случай! Я бесконечно благодарна компании Louis Vuitton за то, что они специально создали и пожертвовали чемодан, наполненный официальными мячами adidas ?⚽ . Благотворительный аукцион – отчаянная мечта болельщика – состоится накануне финала Чемпионата мира, все собранные средства будут направлены в Фонд помощи детям в России «Обнаженные сердца». ❤?? #чм2018 ?

Een bericht gedeeld door Natalia Vodianova (@natasupernova) op

Got inspired? Read more about famous philanthropists here.

Quite impressive, don’t you think? We recommend you also read the story of Maeva Giani Marshall, who became a famous fashion model after having a stroke, paired with a rare akin disease. Also read about four role slash philanthropist fashion models who aim to make the world a better place as well. We bet you’ll like it.