Izabel display


Certain people, brands, or other life cases have emerged OUT OF THE BLUE. When taking a closer look, there’s a long journey that lets them walk the path leading to where they are now. Today: the story of IZABEL MINAS, founder of IZABEL DISPLAY. Cover image: courtesy of Izabel Display.

When meeting Izabel Minas, it straightaway becomes clear that she likes to do things differently. Working at her mother’s multi-brand store since a very young age, Minas is a businesswoman par excellence. It all started when she was eleven years old, when she sat outside her mother’s store, created jewelry to sell, and painted the customers’ nails for a small compensation. It opened her eyes to the “endless possibilities” she experiences today. Joining her mom at fashion fairs taught the younger Izabel bargaining, networking, and working hard in general. “Every time I joined my mom at these fairs, I would tell her: “This is what I want to do when I grow up!” She taught me that joining her would help me to get there – and she was right.”

Also read Sia Arnika: “As I get older, I feel more centered – and it shows in my designs”


“I’ve always been interested in the complete fashion buying process,” Minas says enthusiastically. “From visiting showrooms and fairs to picking the season’s colors and bestselling styles. Becoming a part of the industry at such a young age made me realize I could be the trendsetter to inspire others.”

What was your childhood dream?

“My childhood dream was to have a showroom. I loved inviting people because socializing is a huge part of my personality.”

Is there anything or anyone that inspires you heavily?

“I get inspired daily when viewing social media platforms, visiting fashion weeks, and surrounding myself with creative people, but most of the time, it’s just people watching.”

Izabel Minas

When starting Izabel Display in 2020, were you afraid of failing or spreading the word?

“I haven’t thought about failing. Of course, some things won’t go as planned, but that is part of the journey I have signed up for.”

Have you always thought of yourself as a jewelry designer?

“I have always been interested in fashion and accessories; therefore, I reached out to my first jewelry manufacturer when I was about 15. I made designs I didn’t manage to bring to life then. So yes, I believe it has always been in my mind.”

How would you describe Izabel Display’s aesthetic?

“The aesthetic is playful, extraordinary, and powerful with jewelry designs made to be seen.”

How do you generate ideas and bring them to life?

“I always create pieces that I want to wear myself. So, the idea comes from something I’m missing or want to add to my stacks or collection. I’m into extreme pieces with large stones and bright colors, and the idea is always to wear multiple rings on each other. As soon as I get an idea I believe in, I make sure to get it rendered out for a first look. From the initial tryout, I ensure my idea works from first thought to finished product.”

Your jewelry is playful, outgoing, and eye-catching. How does it reflect your way of living or view on life?

“I’ve heard multiple times now that “I am the brand” and that my style and vibe match Izabel Display’s identity. As a social, outgoing person, I believe the jewelry designs and colors mirror me.”

Are there any rules or rituals you live by?

“I always try to stay positive and keep moving forward. Everything I do today affects tomorrow’s outcome. I believe new openings appear when the timing is right.”

Izabel Minas

What insight or advice has been determinative for where you stand right now?

“To try not to run ahead of time and trust the process. At this moment, I feel no rush and see nothing but possibilities for Izabel Display.”

Is there anything you would like to say to your younger self?

“Continue to stay true to yourself and what you believe in, and things will come your way.”

What excites you most about the future?

“What excites me most is how fast we are evolving and continue to follow the journey every step of the way.” | @izabeldisplay | @izabelminas