Face This T-shirts

Face This T-shirts: how renowned artists and Indonesian kids collab for a better future

In 2018, a deadly earthquake hit the island of Lombok. A group of young children decided to rebuild their school by doing what they loved to do: drawing. Renowned artists from around the entire world are using these kids’ drawings to create printed T-shirts. These T-shirts are now sold to help the kids rebuild their school. We’re big fans of this initiative and therefore are happy to tell you more about the project Face This.

Face This T-shirts

Over 500 people died and more than 400.000 people got displaced by 2018’s earthquake that hit Lombok, Indonesia. The island hadn’t faced a natural disaster like this in years. Fortunately, there was a group of young kids that knew better what to do than their parents. They wanted to rebuild their school by themselves.

We hear you think: what about the T-shirts? Well, the Face It T-shirts came into play later. Since the kids weren’t able to rebuild the school by themselves, they started to draw. The organization of Face This set up a creative collaboration between the school kids and some renowned artists such as Jon Burgerman, Bodil Jane, Tyler Spangler, Kyle Steed, Mark Conlan and Jamie Browne.

Creatives from different places around the world collaborated voluntarily with these school kids, to create the – now well-known – Face This T-shirts that instantly put a smile on your face.

How Face This works

The people of Face This closely collaborate with the school’s board, to make sure they get what they need, instead of a bunch of money. On top of this, the collaboration with the kids is very close as well. Face This makes sure they draw their personal stories. The drawings will be sent to the artists soon after, so they can make a true piece of (T-shirt) art from it. Take a look at the Face It T-shirt shop here.

How to donate

Want to support the project? You can either send a donation or buy a T-shirt. Or do both, of course.

In collaboration with Face This.

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